NDIS Price Guide: A Quick Breakdown for NDIS Providers

Understanding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Price Guide can seem like a difficult and confusing task. Senior Consultant, Hannah Taylor-Watkins has created an easy to understand breakdown for NDIS Providers.

The NDIS Price Guide

Price Controls

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) sets price controls for some supports included in participant plans. The NDIA will update price controls on at least an annual basis, effective 1 July each year, taking into account market trends, changes in costs and wage rates.

The Support Catalogue

This includes item descriptors to assist providers to claim payments using a “best-fit” approach, and to assist participants in engaging and negotiating with service providers; and lists the price limits of those support items that are subject to price limits.

Support Purpose Types

  • Core: Supports that enable participants to complete activities of daily living.
  • Capital: Assistive technologies – equipment, home or vehicle modifications, or for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
  • Capacity Building: Supports that enable a participant to build their independence and skills.

Support Categories

Each support category has many specific supports and services that are recognised in the NDIS payment system. Support Categories include Daily Living, Home, Health and Wellbeing, Lifelong Learning, Work, Social and Community Participation, Relationships, Choice and Control.

Support Items

Each support category has many specific supports and services that are recognised in the NDIS payment system. These are referred to as ‘support items’ and are, in most cases, not prescribed in participant plans. Providers should claim payments against a support item that most closely aligns to the service they have delivered


Registered Providers can make a claim for payment for a support once that support has been delivered or provided. Providers cannot add any other charges to the cost of the support, including credit card surcharges, or any additional fees including any ‘gap’ fees, late payment fees or cancellation fees unless otherwise stated in this Price Guide.

When claiming, it is the responsibility of the provider to ensure that the claim accurately reflects the supports delivered, including the frequency and volume of supports.

For more information on the NDIS Price Guide and Pricing Information, visit the NDIS Website.